Thursday, October 20, 2011

Excuse Absent

I will not attend class this afternoon. I have an interview for naturalization tomorrow morning so I will leave this afternoon around 4:00PM.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Interview Questions

20 questions for interview


1) Where did you grow up? The place where a person grew up is very important to ask. It shapes a person’s personality and perception.
2) What were you like in high school and where did you attend?
Every country has different kind of school curriculum. Asking this question gives me an ample opportunity to look at how he or she spent her time during high school year
3) If you would travel a place for a vacation, where would you love to travel? Why?
I think that nobody hates to travel one country in his or her life time
4) What are your favorite things to do when the weather is nice?
Some people prefer to walk, biking, while others have picnic, or go for hike etc.
5) Do you like to watch movie? If so, which movie (name of the movie) have you ever liked the most?
I am just wondering if Hollywood has much influence in his or her country if they were not born in the USA. Watching movie in my free time is refreshing


1) What are typical food served in your culture and clothes worn?
Every country has its own typical food that is unique to him or her than other country. Food is important to every family or community in the celebration of heritage.
2) How do people great one another in your country or community?
Greeting might vary from places to place. For one community, it is a norm to greet a person in certain way, whereas the others may be unusual for them
3) Describe how the holiday celebrated?
Celebration of holiday depends on one’s culture. I want to know how he or she celebrate holiday
4) How are gender role perceived?
In some culture, only men allowed to work while women stay at home.
5) What are norms around wedding? Births? etc
The way to celebrate wedding and birth may be vary so I want to know how he or she celebrates in his or her country or community.

1) Which type of sport do you like to watch and enjoy playing? Why?

Some of us have the same taste for one type of sport while other might like different type of sport
2) Do you run or walk a certain distance? How often?
Exercise is very important in one’s health. This question will lead me to ask how it feels like exercising
3) Have you ever volunteer in your community service in your country? What experience did you gain from it?
4) Do you like to cook? How often? How often do you eat out?
We sometime choose to eat out or cook at home
5) How do you spend your free time?
Some people would like to read book, engage in sports or visit family members.

Relationship Questions
1) How would you describe yourself?
This question focus on his personality on him or her
2) What was the happiest moment in your life?
This question drives my interview smoothly since we tend to talk about the happiest thing that we experienced in our life.
3) Who has been the most important person in your life? Why?
We tend to look up to someone who inspires us and influence us in life.
4) Is dating allowed in your country?
Dating is not allowed in some countries. It is a good question to ask.
5) What was an interesting event you remember from your childhood?
Every one of us has a childhood story which could be interesting.